Those cute little possums we have around us are driving us nuts. We've done everything to stop them getting into our garage at night but each time they get around whatever it is we've done. I've been boarding up anywhere that they can gain access, using anything I can get my hands on. My arm is aching from hours of hammering where I've boarded up the area around the eaves but they still got in last night knocking stuff off shelves and leaving garden equipment on the floor. I am at my wits end - they're not so cute when they poop everywhere and spray urine all over the cars. I have to wash down the cars, (and one is only weeks old), every morning then sweep out the garage so we don't tread their mess into the house.

Son in law came over today to get on the roof to have a look at any places I might have missed but he couldn't find any spaces of any size that they could squeeze through. He suggested that maybe one of the possums could be trapped in the eaves and I've boarded it in - well my patience ran out last night when our safety switch activated because it had gnawed it's way through some cable and now our outside security lights don't work - the wire is completely caput. Must get an electrician in now - this is getting to be an expensive exercise.

If only they'd stay outside in the trees, on the fence or hanging upside down on the cables - then I'd be saying how cute they are and enjoying their presence but what is the great attraction in our garage???


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