Have you ever had one of those days where a minor, nuisance of a problem has taken up most of your day. Well, today was one of those days for me.

It all started mid morning when one of our 3 smoke detectors beeped - not just that little chirp you get when the battery needs replacing, it was 3 high pitched beeps but not at regular intervals as you'd expect. I got the ladder out and replaced the battery as I figured that would be a good start - but that didn't stop the noise. I then checked the battery I'd just put in to make sure it wasn't a dud but it was fine so I made sure I'd put it in correctly, positive and negative in the right place. Okay, should be okay now - nope, still beeping.

I got the vacuum cleaner out and vacuumed inside and outside the detector even though to my eye, it looked fine and after about an hour of silence and thinking all was well, that darned beeping started all over again.

What now I thought. I don't want this continuing all night as nobody will get any sleep. Surely this can't be such a major problem but I was running out of ideas.

I got in the car and went to the shops and bought another battery of a different brand, came home and installed it. Okay, all is quiet now and it's been over an hour but I've been lulled into a false sense of security already today.

If the detector wasn't hard wired into the house with the battery only as a backup, I'd have taken the whole thing down and replaced it but even taking out the battery would mean that it would "chirp" every minute or so continuously, though that would have been a change from the high pitched beeping it had been doing.


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