It's been a pretty miserable day today with rain and high winds on and off. Not the kind of day to do much at all so I made a batch of scones - some fruit and some plain. They turned out really well even if I do say so myself. Quite often when I make scones, they end up not rising too well but these ones were fine. I don't know what I did right but I hope I do it next time too.


Plain Scones (yield 12-15)

2 cups self raising flour
1/4 teasp salt
2tblsp butter or margarine
1 cup milk

I like fruit scones so I add sultanas to the mix.

  • Sift flour and salt together in a mixing bowl. Rub in the butter lightly with the fingertips till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs
  • Make a well in the centre, pour nearly all the milk in at once, keeping a little for glazing.Mix quickly to a soft dough
  • Turn onto a floured board, knead lightly and quickly. Press out the dough or use a roller.
  • Use a round cutter to cut into scones.
  • Place on a lightly greased and floured tray, glaze with milk and bake in a hot oven(230C or 450F) for 8-10mins.
  • Turn onto a clean tea towel and cover with another till cool.

A light hand in the kneading gives the flaky result.

Pour all the liquid in at once.

Stir cautiously at first till there is no danger of spilling then vigorously until the dough is fairly free of the sides of the bowl (30secs only).

Turn the dough onto a floured board and knead for a brief 30secs just long enough that the dough is neither sticky nor knobbly and the rising agent is well mixed in.

Roll out with a lightly floured rolling pin or pat it gently with the palm of the hand.

Cut the dough on rounds with a floured cutter,dont twist the cutter

For a brown finish brush the tops with milk

Bake in a hot preheated oven 1" apart if you like them crusty all over, closer if not.

If overhandled, place the prepared scones in the fridge for 30mins before baking


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