YARRA VALLEY CHOCOLATERIE AND ICE CREAMERY What a lovely day we had today, the last day of 2013. We went to the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie and Ice Creamery in Yarra Glen. After having a look through the glass into the area where they make the chocolates, we wandered around admiring all the various packs of chocolates which could be purchased. Viewing into the area where the chocolates are made So much to choose from It was hard to pull ourselves away from the counter where they sell individual hand made chocolates Finally, we decided to have an ice cream which we really enjoyed. Lachlan had a rich chocolate one, Corey had strawberry, Jackie enjoyed honeycomb and I had my favourite, rum and raisin. Yarra Glen is a lovely little town and the surrounds of the Chocolaterie is really nice. Well worth a visit.