
Showing posts from December, 2010


What a lovely time we had yesterday. Jackie, Sean and the boys came for Christmas dinner so there were 7 of us altogether. I don't know how people manage to cook for many more than that, as I find 7 to cater for is enough. Gifts were exchanged with the boys showing off each item as they unwrapped it.....they really liked their hand held games machines. Toy aeroplanes from Australian Geographic were also a big hit. Dinner was delicious and need I add, that the desserts were out of this world. We all left the table having had more than enough to eat. We have a few leftovers which will do for a couple of days, then it'll be back to the usual - but I don't think anyone will complain. You can only take so much Christmas fare!


Another Christmas is almost here. The tree is up and looking nice - not too much in the way of decorations but it looks nice. The entrance hall looks lovely too and very festive. All of the gifts have been bought and wrapped and I only have to make my "clootie dumpling" and chocolate truffles then roll on the 25th. I feel as if this year I was much more organised than in previous years so here's hoping I haven't forgotten something that means getting caught up in crowds of shoppers at the last minute.